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June 29, 2021
"Apple Daily" Narrative Continuing to be Amplified by US Media

The leading narrative trends associated with the apple daily narrative include Hong Kong, national security, and security law.

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June 25, 2021
"Critical Race Theory" Narrative Being Amplified by US Media

Currently, the leading individual narrative associated with critical race theory is an article from NBC News titled, “Is Critical Race Theory Taking Over Your School Board?

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June 25, 2021
Republican Law Makers Amplifying "Border Protection" Narrative in US Congress

Currently, the leading amplifiers of content include Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX), Sen. John Cornyn (R-TX), and Rep. Brian Babin ()R-TX).

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June 23, 2021
"Voting Rights" Narrative Being Amplified in US Media

Currently, the leading amplifiers of content include MSNBC, the New York Times, CNN, and the Los Angeles Times.

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June 23, 2021
700% Increase of "Economic Sanctions" Narrative in US Congress

As of Tuesday, the narrative has been amplified by 27 congressional members across 27 unique narratives.

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June 22, 2021
US Congress Amplifying "Election Bill" Across Over 100 Unique Narratives

The leading narrative trends associated with the election bill narrative include voting rights, supreme court, early voting, and President Biden.

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June 22, 2021
The Covid Related "Delta Variant" Narrative Being Amplified by US Media

The leading narrative trends associated with the delta variant narrative include fully vaccinated, alpha variant, public health, and vaccination rates.

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June 21, 2021
40 US Media Sources Amplifying the "Nuclear Deal" Narrative

The leading narrative trends associated with the nuclear deal narrative include Iran nuclear deal, supreme leader, and Biden administration.

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June 21, 2021
"Paid Leave" Narrative Trending in US Congress

Currently, the leading amplifier of content is Representative Pramila Jayapal (D-WA).

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June 19, 2021
What Narratives Are Being Amplified by the New York Times?

The top narratives being amplified include donald trump, maggie haberman, reinstated to office.

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