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Monitor global media in real time

Knowledge Is Power

Where do narratives start?  How are they amplified and by whom?  What themes and trends affect your business?  EdgeTheory provides monitoring, surfacing, and analysis of narrative amplification and conversation trends at scale to save your analysts time and resources.

Media Monitoring

Every hour, our technology analyzes thousands of pieces of content from media outlets, blogs, and business editorials in order to provide analytical insights on key trends and narrative frameworks affecting your organization and the marketplace.

Media Analysis

To understand these narratives you have to keep your eyes and ears open to the conversations that affect the things in which you've invested: your company, your portfolio, and your people. Conversations that are happening all the time, on all channels, and at all volumes.

Media Modules

EdgeTheory's platform provides targeted monitoring and consumption of publicly-available information (PAI) at scale, with keyword trend analysis, narrative amplification detection, amplification network monitoring, source masking, and content caching for anonymous review. Monitor news sources in diverse languages including English, Spanish, Chinese,German, Russian, Arabic, and Farsi.

Filter out the noise

With selective source monitoring, there's no need to wade through the whole internet to identify a potential threat or possible opportunity. Media? Competitors? Your C-suite? Monitor and analyze the sources that really matter to you.

Platform Agnostic

Our platform is content- and platform-agnostic, consuming narrative data and amplification behavior from any publicly-accessible web site, news source, and other types of digital global media.

Who needs EdgeTheory Media modules?

○ Private Equity Firms
○ Public Relations
○ Non Profit Orgs
○ Advocacy Groups
○ Marketing Firms
○ Government Agencies

When you know who is saying what and where about the narratives that matter to your organization, you give yourself an edge.

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Understand the Narrative
