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Message creation, deployment, and measurement at scale


EdgeTheory Launchpad is a suite of integrated web application modules that facilitate the creation and deployment of social messages at scale. Its combination of graph database and templated language technologies creates a highly asymmetrical labor productivity ratio, enabling one user to create and deploy millions of messages with relatively little effort.
Launchpad is designed around the principles of effective conversation:
Listen Create Deploy Analyze


Kudzu's AI-powered technology analyzes the ways conversations become narratives, how those narratives grow, and how they shape their world. Kudzu empowers users to see patterns and trends among narratives, revealing the ways they originate, who is amplifying them, how they get distorted and repurposed, and their potential impact. 

With the insight drawn from this intelligence, users of EdgeTheory’s technology are better prepared to design and deploy successful messaging campaigns.


To create, there are the Roster, Knowledge, Editor, and Composer modules.


Roster is where users create the high-level organizational frameworks for their messaging campaigns. Three kinds of items help define these frameworks: Organizations, Accounts, and Credentials.

The top-level organizational unit in Roster is the Organization, Accounts belong to Organizations, and Credentials refer to accounts through which messages are deployed. These credentials authorize the Launchpad application through a Roster account, and, once authorized, are available to any account in the Organization.


Knowledge is where all of the data used in Launchpad is created and stored, and where the relationships between data are defined.

Generally speaking, Knowledge is an interface into Launchpad’s graph database. Graph databases differ from relational databases in that, while relational databases store tabular information in rows and columns, and connect (or “join”) those tables on the fly using columns of related data, data points in graph database are called “nodes,” and their relationships, called “edges,” are persistent attributes of the nodes.


Editor & Composer is where message templates are created, then connected to data defined in Roster and Knowledge.

Editor uses a modified version of the open-source Liquid language template. Using a template-tag structure, Editor is able to incorporate data nodes in Knowledge and combine them with inline variants of many parts of speech, to create nearly limitless variations in rendered messages.


Composer & Editor is where message templates are created, then connected to data defined in Roster and Knowledge.

Create message templates at scale that contain placeholders for the data nodes that lives in your graph. Templates created in Composer can have 100,000+ unique message variations, creating a highly asymmetrical labor productivity ratio.


To deploy, there are the Streams and Content Calendar modules, which give users complete control over message scheduling and social engagement. Both of these modules can render finished messages to be deployed through credentials. They render these messages by parsing templates created in Editor, and replacing the template tags inside of them with data retrieved from Knowledge.

The primary use of Streams is to batch-render large numbers of messages using data defined and connected in Roster, Knowledge, and Editor, but it can also be used to create messages and interactions on the fly.


Reports provides highly detailed data visualizations and tabular summaries of message activity, engagement activity, conversation share, and more. 

Reports combines message data generated through Roster, Knowledge, Streams, and Content Calendar, with data monitored and accumulated through Kudzu, to create a range of reports from top-level summaries down to highly granular, keyword-specific metrics. Reports allows an organization to analyze the effectiveness of its campaigns and activity.

AI-Powered Narrative Intelligence

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