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Why is Cognitive Security Important to Threat Intelligence Analysts?

March 22, 2022Joe Stradinger

Cybersecurity is a major part of the Threat Intelligence industry which will continue to grow significantly. However, not all threats are simply within the digital terrain of cyberspace. While cyberspace connects machines, generating the need for security to protect information and networks -  it also connects humans to other humans and therefore is the underpinning fabric linking human thought, emotion, and cognition in the modern age - all at the speed of light.   

From the Arab Spring to nation-state targeting of other nation’s elections, to the current narrative successes of Ukraine rallying the world against Russian aggression, the understanding of online influence is emerging a critical security area across a broad spectrum of interests. While cybersecurity focuses on cyber threats and attacks against computer and digital systems, Cognitive Security focuses on understanding the live dynamics which influence people, organizations, and nations using disinformation, misinformation, or other means.  Narratives can win or lose wars, build or destroy businesses, and are ever at play in global power struggles. 

The cognitive security industry is likely to grow significantly over the coming years. Given the rise of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, combined with already known methods of online bots and automated messaging, understanding the implications of technology on human cognition is critical to understand.

We have been working in the cognitive security space for over a decade.  It is refreshing to see organizations taking the cognitive space more seriously. 

#cognitivesecurity #cybersecurity #cyberhealth #narrativeintelligence

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