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U.S. vs Russian Media - Biden's Ukraine Visit

February 21, 2023Ben Bearden


In a stunning move of solidarity, President Biden made a surprise visit to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky in Kyiv on February 20th.

The US State media has different sources and amplifiers that drive its own narrative surrounding President Biden’s Visit. The Russian state media has another.

See this Kudzu narrative intelligence brief to see the narratives perpetuated by the Russian state media and other malign influencers.  

Key insights:

  • The “Biden Visits Ukraine” narrative has been driven by 64 sources with 129 unique narratives in our Russia-China-Iran module, primarily in the last 24 hours.
  • TASS (Telegrafnoye agentstvo Sovetskogo Soyuza) is the primary amplifier of the narrative, driving 15.5% of the narratives amplified.
  • Keywords surrounding the narrative include “joe biden”, “president joe biden,”white house,” and “president volodymyr.”
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