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Nuclear Weapons in Belarus

March 28, 2023Ben Bearden

Nuclear Weapons in Belarus

On March 25, Russian president Vladimir Putin announced he would be deploying tactical nuclear weapons to Belarus. The announcement follows a trend of Putin threatening to use nuclear weapons in his illegal invasion of Ukraine. 

See this Kudzu narrative intelligence brief to understand the different narratives surrounding Russia’s recent announcement. 

Key insights:

  • The narrative surrounding nuclear weapons in Belarus has been driven by 158 sources in our U.S. Media module across 431 unique narratives in the last 7 days.
  • Keywords include nuclear weapons, tactical nuclear, tactical nuclear weapons, and vladimir putin.
  • The left and center account for the majority of narratives amplified. One of the most active sources is Washington Times, which has accounted for 7.0% of the narratives amplified in our module.  
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