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"Federal Funding" Narrative Trending in US Congress

May 25, 2021EdgeTheory

As of Tuesday, May 25 the narrative federal funding has been amplified by 75 congressional members through more than 100 unique narratives. The leading amplifiers of the federal funding narrative include Representatives Donald McEachin (D-VA), Dutch Ruppersberger (D-MD), Eleanor Norton (D-DC), and Senator Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH).

Leading conversation trends associated with federal funding reveals a number of relevant topics trending alongside the lead narrative. Child care has been mentioned 338 times across the 100 unique narratives related to federal funding. Additionally, mental health, American rescue, and American rescue plan have all been mentioned about 120 times, and public health has been mentioned 64 times in these 100 narratives.

Get the full Kudzu Narrative Intelligence Report here.

Every hour, Kudzu analyzes thousands of pieces of content from the official blogs, Twitter accounts, and YouTube channels of United States senators and representatives.

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