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Unrest in Senegal

March 24, 2023Lara Wright

The Senegal Unrest Narrative

Mass protests have broken out in Senegal over the trial of an opposition leader, leaving at least one person dead. Let’s take a look at how this narrative is being pushed through our European Media brief and Sub-Saharan Africa Media brief.

Key Insights

  • Rape Case and Rape are thematic flows within both media modules.
  • Ousmane Sonko is a top three keyword dynamic within both media modules.
  • The narrative has been driven by 12 sources in the Sub-Saharan Africa Media module across 39 unique narratives in the last 30 days, while it has been driven by 5 sources in the European Media module across 14 unique narratives in the last 30 days.
European Media
Sub-Saharan Africa
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