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Title 42: Migrants, DHS & Biden Administration Await Code's Expiration

May 12, 2023Simon Moss


The Title 42 public health order, put in place since 2020 to expel migrants rapidly due to the COVID-19 pandemic, is expected to expire on May 11, 2023. As a result, a large number of migrants are predicted to arrive at the U.S. border. Texas Republicans criticize the Biden administration's approach to border security, claiming that federal authorities are unprepared for the expected surge in unauthorized border crossings and drug smuggling.

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The expected expiration of Title 42 has significant implications for border security, immigration policy, and public health. The surge in migrant arrivals could potentially overwhelm border security resources and create a humanitarian crisis. Furthermore, the Biden administration's response to this situation may impact its public perception and political standing.

Competing Narratives

There are two main narratives surrounding the Title 42 expiration and its implications:

1) The Expected Migrant Surge

  • One narrative posits that the expiration of Title 42 will lead to a massive influx of migrants at the border.
  • Texas Republicans, such as Governor Greg Abbott, have criticized the Biden administration for its handling of border security and have taken measures to bolster their own state's response.
  • According to this narrative, the expected surge in migration is a crisis waiting to happen, and the federal government is unprepared.

2) The Biden Administration's Response

  • Another narrative focuses on the Biden administration's attempts to manage the situation.
  • The administration has made efforts to dissuade migrants from coming to the border, with DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas stating that penalties for illegal entry will be tougher when Title 42 ends.
  • According to this narrative, the administration is taking steps to ensure border security and manage the expected surge in migration.

Insights from Kudzu Narrative Intelligence Widgets

Bias Distribution

  • Left-biased sources have reported on this narrative over four times less often than right-biased sources. In contrast, left-center and right-center have similarly amplified this story.
Distribution of amplifiers of the Title 42 expiration story by political bias
  • Key terms that have surfaced from these sources include "Biden administration," "southern border," "border patrol," "public health," "homeland security," and "Title 42."

Geographic Distribution

  • News outlets from California, Texas, New York, Florida, and Illinois have led the media coverage. Arizona, Colorado, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, and Massachusetts have also significantly contributed to the discussion.
Distribution of amplifiers of the Title 42 expiration story by geography

Note: Kudzu Narrative Intelligence briefs update every few hours. Very likely, the Narrative Analysis widget depicted in the graphic above will have changed as well.

Credits: Cover Photo by Barbara Zandoval on Unsplash 

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