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July 2, 2020
Developing a Social Media Audience: A Go-To Guide for Making Your Brand Shine

You can't be all things to all people, the old saying goes. You can, however, be some things to some people. For the purposes of online marketing, think of these people as your audience. Regardless of your passion or product, there's likely a built-in following just waiting for you to find it. It's a tricky […]

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March 1, 2020
Conversation Share: The Digital Metric that Matters Most

Whether you’re looking for customers or followers, you’re going to want to read this. A conversation, by its very nature, is something that is shared with others. There are any number of ways to think of the Internet. It’s a giant information portal, for instance, a repository of code and data streams. It’s also a […]

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January 19, 2020
Choosing Your Online Conversations

It's important to figure out what to say before you start talking. Don't quote me on this, but Anne Morrow Lindbergh once wrote something to the effect that a good conversation is just as stimulating as black coffee - and just as hard to sleep after. That's part of the problem with the Internet these […]

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December 2, 2019
Don't Be Clueless About Word of Mouth Marketing

You can't choose to sit back and hope conversations will just happen organically about your brand. If you want to win the marketing race, you must unleash the power of word of mouth.

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November 17, 2019
Thought Leadership: Don't Hide Your Light Under A Bushel

Thought leadership isn't about an ivy league degree or wealth. It is about having the best and most relevant answers to your customers’ biggest questions.

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October 14, 2019
Get Smart: What Is Smart Marketing Automation?

But while marketing automation can make your teams' job a whole lot easier, there's no getting around the fact that you need to produce valuable and engaging content. Without strong content your social media efforts will fall flat.

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June 1, 2019
Finding Your Pre-Customer: How to Speak to (and Convert) the People Who Aren't Even Looking for You

Here's a little exercise for you. Think of a film or book you happen to be fond of. Take a second to review the story in your head. Now try to recall a character or two as well as their basic motivations. Odds are ten-to-one that you'll also remember a moment when a fateful decision […]

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September 3, 2018
3 Ways to Incorporate Conversation Into your Social Media

There’s a reason why people love social media — well, let’s be honest, there’s a million reasons why  people love social media — but the one factor that remains the same is conversation.

Conversation and social media open doors to people that have previously been closed, locked, and barred shut.

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September 6, 2016
Would you Rather Hope or Know?

There are many types of great marketing. Billboards, TV spots, social media campaigns- these can all be effective. But there’s no denying that word-of-mouth advertising is the most effective form of marketing.

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October 7, 2015
The Thrill Is Gone or The Ad -Blocking Blues

For you blissfully unaware, ad-blocking providers like AdBloc let users remove all of the ads shown on every web page they visit. Tech Crunch reports, "a whopping 200 million people worldwide use ad-blockers when surfing the web."

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