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January 29, 2015
Conversation Media: A New Way to Look at Social Marketing

In the ever-evolving world of technology and marketing, there’s a looming, unconquerable riddle:  how can we create that perfectly crafted message, posted at the most ideal moment that’ll attract the precise audiences and relevant interests at the exact moment they’re looking (even though they aren’t looking specifically for you or your business)?

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November 19, 2014
You Gotta Talk the Talk: The Art of Conversation on Twitter

Conversation is dead! Millennials have murdered the precious art that is social discussion. They hide behind their cell phones and computer screens. Those hooligan GenYers don’t know how to talk to one another. Society as we know it has crumbled.

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October 2, 2014
Can You Dig It? In the Trenches with Twitter Language

Let’s face it. Social media has bred a language of its own. From LOL to NSFW (which is an important one to know, see below), communication on Twitter, and online in general, has become an overwhelming monster, especially for those who just don’t understand.

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September 17, 2014
Finding the Right Social Media Ingredients: The Recipe for Powerful Content

Creating powerful social media content requires more time and effort than most people realize. Before you cook up your content, it’s important to see what ingredients and tools you have to work with.

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