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Attorney General Merrick Garland Appoints Special Counsel in Hunter Biden Investigation

August 11, 2023Bailey Flanders


In our Kudzu Narrative Intelligence Brief, we have identified media narratives asserting that Attorney General Merrick Garland has appointed a special counsel to investigate Hunter Biden, signaling a wider probe into his business dealings ahead of the 2024 presidential election. This marks a significant turn in the Justice Department's ongoing investigation of under Biden, son of President Biden. The move is a momentous development from the typically cautious Garland and comes amid a pair of sweeping Justice Department probes into former President Trump, who is of course President Biden's chief rival in next year's election.

Rolling Updates

Our Kudzu Narrative Intelligence brief auto-update every few hours with fresh analysis:

Headline Issues

1. Justice Department Investigation

The appointment of a special counsel by Attorney General Merrick Garland indicates a significant escalation in the Justice Department's investigation into Hunter Biden. This move suggests that the investigation is expanding and could have broader implications for the Biden family's business dealings.

2. Hunter Biden Business Deals

The special counsel appointment in the Hunter Biden probe focuses on his foreign business deals. This suggests that the investigation is delving into the financial and business dealings of the president's son. The scrutiny of Hunter Biden's business deals could have implications for the Biden administration and the 2024 presidential election.

3. Special Counsel Appointment

Attorney General Merrick Garland has appointed Delaware U.S. attorney David Weiss as the special counsel in the investigation of Hunter Biden. This appointment indicates the seriousness and significance of the probe. David Weiss has been leading the investigation into Hunter Biden's financial and business dealings and will now have expanded authority as the special counsel. The appointment of a special counsel suggests that the investigation is entering a new phase and could potentially lead to legal action.


Insights on Top Surfaced Keywords

In our analysis of the top surfaced keywords in our Narrative Intelligence, we have identified several key terms that appear more frequently than others. These keywords provide valuable insights into the competing narratives surrounding various topics. Here are our findings:

  1. Attorney General: The keywords "attorney general" and "general merrick" both appear frequently, with counts of 83 and 79 respectively. This indicates a significant focus on the role and actions of the Attorney General, specifically Merrick Garland. It suggests that the actions and decisions of the Attorney General are central to the narratives being analyzed.
  2. Donald Trump: The inclusion of "Donald Trump" as a surfaced keyword, with a count of 67, suggests that narratives are still influenced by the former President's actions and policies. This keyword likely relates to discussions about the Trump administration's impact on ongoing investigations and legal proceedings.
  3. Justice Department: The keyword "Justice Department" appears with a count of 60. This suggests that the actions and decisions of the Department of Justice are a significant aspect of the narratives. It indicates a focus on the role of the Justice Department in conducting investigations and pursuing legal actions.

These surfaced keywords provide valuable insights into the competing narratives analyzed in our Kudzu Narrative Intelligence Brief(s). They highlight the key topics and themes that are driving discussions and shaping public perception. By understanding why certain keywords appear more frequently than others, we can gain a deeper understanding of the competing narratives and their underlying motivations.

Insights on Bias in U.S. Media

Our Narrative Intelligence provides valuable insights into bias in U.S. media. In our Kudzu Narrative Intelligence Briefs, we have analyzed the media coverage across various political leanings, including left, left-center, right, and right-center sources.

The analysis revealed significant differences in media coverage. Right-bias sources accounted for 42% of the total coverage, while left-center bias sources accounted for 38%. Least-bias sources constituted 30% of the coverage, followed closely by left-bias sources at 28%. Right-center bias sources had the lowest representation at 17%. Our most active source in this brief so far is "Free Republic", a severely right-leaning outlet. 

Our Narrative AI and Narrative Technology enable us to uncover these insights, providing a comprehensive understanding of bias in U.S. media.

Hunter Special Counsel amplification distribution by bias

U.S. Media

Note: Kudzu Narrative Intelligence briefs update every few hours. Very likely, the Narrative Analysis data visualization depicted in the graphic above will have changed as well.

Image Credit for Article Header: Attorney General Merrick Garland delivers remarks to DOJ employees via Wikimedia Commons

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