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Armed Conflicts in Think Tanks

May 17, 2024Sean McClellan

Here is a synopsis of our Armed Conflicts - Think Tanks Narrative Intelligence brief.


This Armed Conflicts - Think Tanks narrative is driven by 192 in the Think Tanks module, amplifying 1,151 narrative items.


Today, our Narrative AI highlights various topics related to foreign military interventions and conflicts in different regions, including the outcomes and implications of interventions in Cabo Delgado, Ukraine, Libya, Rakhine State, Niger, Gaza, and Sudan, as well as the challenges and mistakes faced by countries like Russia, Arab states, and the US in military operations.

Main Themes

  • Iran Retaliatory Strike
  • Controversy over handling pro-Palestine protests on campuses
  • India's strategic interests in Sri Lanka
  • Urgent Appeal for Ceasefire and Reconstruction
  • Putin adopts ideas from dissenting voices while punishing dissent
  • Western support crucial for Ukraine's defense

Background & Context

The issues described in the summary touch on a variety of geopolitical and security concerns across different regions. In Cabo Delgado, Mozambique, the presence of foreign military intervention highlights the ongoing challenges posed by insurgency and terrorism, with potential links to transnational jihadist networks. Demographics in this region may play a role in fueling conflict, as marginalized populations may be susceptible to recruitment by extremist groups.

 Ukraine: The Russian invasion underscores the importance of military strategy and force size in achieving military objectives. The high cost of casualties and equipment loss demonstrates the significant human and economic toll of military interventions. The geography of the region, with its strategic importance and proximity to Western aid, influences the dynamics of the conflict.

 MENA: The military capabilities of Arab states and their historical conflicts with Israel highlight the complex political and security landscape in the Middle East. Egypt's experience in the Gulf War showcases the challenges faced by regional powers in modern warfare. National security considerations are paramount in these conflicts, with alliances and rivalries shaping military interventions.

Niger and Myanmar: The legacy of American and European intervention in Libya and the withdrawal of U.S. troops from Niger reflect shifting priorities and strategies in the region. The rise of armed groups like the Arakan Army in Myanmar underscores the ongoing ethnic and communal tensions that impact security and stability.

Conclusion: These examples illustrate the multifaceted nature of global security challenges, encompassing demographics, political considerations, military capabilities, and regional dynamics. National security interests, alliances, and resource competition all play a role in shaping conflicts and interventions in various parts of the world.

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